Wednesday, December 29

Nothing to do

Cable is down. I'm blogging as usual.

My little project is now in its infancy, or in tech parlance, "beta". I would like to thank Jason for helping me and standing up to my neurotic sarcasms (at times)

I'm currently listenning to my mp3's. Now Playing - Adrienne by The Calling.

I've been thinking what I would be asking for for the Holidays that was. At first, the PSP was love at first sight, but now, I've been more into the U2 iPod (which by the way doesn't seem worth its price) I've also thought of asking for a PDA, but I don't see its use in my daily routine. Maybe I'll just go all out and ask for a new laptop! (kidding)

Suggestions? To those curious and can't wait what this little project of my is, ym me...

Sunday, December 26

more thinking required

I was thinking, maybe my new endeavor needs more time.

new endeavor

I've been thinking of this for a long time already. Now, it looks like it will finally push through. Yes, this is a new endeavor!

Being the techie gadget freak that I am, I'm always curious about the new stuff. Problem is, the Philippines doesn't seem to have anything enough. I was thinking of setting up a site similar to engadget or amdzone which is primarily a collection of news and new stuff with a blog feel to it. This means I don't exactly have to do the reviews, only the rants!

We'll see if it works. I'm also going to register a domain name once things are finalized. Maybe I can have a quick buck as well!

Old stuff

The day after Christmas seems to be a drag. There's nothing to do and even worse, nothing to eat! So here I am again, facing the computer, waiting for time to pass by. Out of curiosity, I searched my name on Google. Of the results, I saw my old site at tripod. Surprisingly it was still up. Then I remembered that I wrote something then for my FrontPage. Here it is...

"Man is contradiction of a species. He seeks a future of bliss but hesitates to justify the damage along the way. Unable to justify the means for its glorious end results in man’s constant failure to seek his goal. Man dreams day and night to put right his destiny but he himself shatters them before it is cast. He is unwilling to sacrifice, for instant gratification is always ideal. Man is a team player but he always strives to be the boss. He likes to works with his comrades but secretly covets to have them work for him instead. All men want happiness and peace for everyone. He wants to live a life free from the fear of terror. However, ambition and greed take over man’s good will. This leads to man’s destruction. Man falls to his own want for excess. Man can easily form a united bloc but instead chooses to be fractious. He seeks more than his neighbor for he wants it all.

Nature has molded man to be good but selfish. He builds wonders but annihilates everything. He cares for everyone but first and foremost for himself. He lived in a treacherous world full of danger where instincts matter most. Now, as civilization has matured and grown, man has stayed the same. He continues to be sly and deceptive. He continues to dream but he also continues to act on his instincts. He trusts no one but himself."

By the way, I think the minimalist black, grey and white layout was pretty nice. Maybe I'll use it in my next endeavor. Here's a link for the curious.

Better than the Ultimate Matrix Collection

Most people know I'm not really an Anime fan, though I do like some. Now, while compiling my wish list using, I came across this. It is a DVD set of Slam Dunk to commemorate its 10th year anniversary. Inside the box is a set of 17 discs which comprises of all the 101 episodes, a replica jersey of one of the Shohoku starting five (you can choose), a book that summarizes the story and bonus cd's with soundtracks and TV spots.

It was dream come true! But like some ethereal thought, I was brought back to reality when I saw the price. 92,400 yen including tax is not cheap. In fact, I could buy a new HP laptop with that!

Oh well, maybe I'll have to wait another ten more years...

Saturday, December 25

Gifts for any occasion

Out of my boredom yesterday, I compiled myself a list of gadgetry that I would like to receive for Christmas, New Year, Valentine's or whatever occasion may come to mind...

In short, this is sort of my wishlist. Take a pick! (hehehe)

  • Apple iPod 20GB U2 EditionApple
  • iPod 20GB (Click Wheel)
  • Sony PSP Value Pack + RidgeRacers + Lumines
  • Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB
  • Sony Clie PEG-TH55
  • hp iPAQ Pocket PC h4155

Merry Christmas

Yahu!!! Be back a little later, need to celebrate...

Monday, December 20


I'm having itchy fidgety fingers again...

It seems I can't stand one layout for at least a quarter. I'm once again trying to make a new, more experimental layout. This time, it will include the usual blog, my photo/moblog and maybe something else. I'm still contemplating if I'm going to still use drupal, I'm not saying its not good, but it seems to be too much for what i need. Alternatives OR alternative I should say could be blogger.

Saturday, December 18


We're having a party later tonight here. That's good and all, but I'm sick. Too bad. Anyway, at least there are lots of foodstuff hanging around.

By the way, I was able to fix my disfunctioning controller last night. I simply opened it up and exchanged the left analog stick with the right since I use the right one less often than the left. Problem solved! I think...

Friday, December 17


I can't stand this anymore! I need to play! I need to fuel my MGS3 obsession. Did you know that Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater has been nominated for 7 Gamespot Best of 2004 awards?

These include:
- Best Original Music
- Best Story
- Best Sound Effects
- Best Graphics, Artistic
- Best New Character
- Best Action Adventure Game
- Best PlayStation 2 Game

In my opinion, MGS3 should definitely win Best Original Music, Best Story, Best Graphics, Artistic and Best New Character. I'm not saying it doesn't deserve the others but competition is stiff especially when it’s up against the GTA: SA and there's also the dark horse (and apparently Gamespot reviews darling) "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay"

Third time

The first day of my vacation is ruined. Worse, it could even ruin my ENTIRE vacation!

My PS2 controller gave up on me! Again! For the third time!

I was happily playing Metal Gear Solid 3 for the Nth time when suddenly something snapped! The left analog stick drooped down and obviously, that was its demise. Now, I CANT USE THE DAMN CONTROLLER even if only one part is broken. I'll try opening it up later, besides, what have I got to lose?

I've only had a PS2 for about two years now, and yet I've owned 3 original dualshock2 controllers. Now, the third one is also going to the trash can.

I just can't believe my luck. I still have NFSU2, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within and Xenosaga 2 to finish! If someone out there is kind enough to give me an original Dualshock2 black PS2 controller for Christmas, I'll appreciate it

Wednesday, December 15

Palm-sized Console

I want a Sony PSP!
I want Ridge Racers for the PSP!
I want Metal Gear: Acid for the PSP!
I want to get my hands on the most powerful handheld gaming system there is (and that's not the Nintendo DS)
AND, I want one now!

Thursday, October 14

I'm back

and that's all there is to say....

Oh by the way, happy birthday Rhonda! I still haven't bought your gift, but don't worry, I'm bound to find something tomorrow.

Sunday, July 18


There are two sides of the story...

The pullout of the Philippine humanitarian mission is going to be a big embarrassment. It would seem that we are giving in to the terrorists. However, one must realize that the current president was elected by too slim a majority, put into the equation the stuck-up minority that will use any issue to incite chaos and the current sentiment dividing the nation right through the center...

Gloria cannot afford to lose any more support. By not giving in, she risks being seen as a president that does not value life and a US puppet (not that she isn't/or at least does not look like one). This also gives the naughty opposition a chance to exacerbate the situation by arousing sentiments regarding the election to equate Gloria as a president wrongly elected because she does not care for a Filipino's life.

The pullout of the Philippine humanitarian mission, as seen by an outsider's point of view, is a big embarrassment. The international community believes in the strong commitment of the Philippine Government to quash terrorism. However, this current decision seems to belie that fact. In joining the "bandwagon of the willing", the government in return receives a lot of aid from the US. Fact is, in Southeast Asia, the Philippines receives the most aid from the US post-9/11. The pullout, undeniably, will have some effect on aid and appearance.

In crafting the current stand to pull out troops, the government sacrificed what the international community would think in order to gain popularity and good vibe and in order to avert any chance of destabilization. The US should understand the country's current dynamics and must not take it out against the president, the government and especially not the Filipino people.

I think it is to everyone's benefit that destabilization be averted, opposition be silenced and the president to put on a brave face amidst the opinion of other nations.

Thursday, July 15

Short vacation

I have not gone out for two days already. I don't miss my bed anymore! I want to roam again!

Wednesday, July 14

No one is unforgiven

To hold a grudge forever is impossible. No one deserves to be unforgiven. Only time will tell when anger wanes and peace is sought...


Finally, I think I am sick enough to warrant not getting out of bed...

Monday, July 12

Freshman stereotype

I can say today was a good day even if it was as if a big joke was on me.

Yesterday night, I was cramming, or multitasking as I would like to call it, to finish all my assignments and other miscellaneous tasks. One of those assignments was an abstract for MBB10. It was a topic proposal for a group in-depth reporting in the latter part of the semester. With a few jargons and a half-hearted effort, it got through. Then, today came. MBB10 was can cancelled because our professor was "sick", so much for half-hearted work. If it is any consolation, as it turned out, almost all the other groups did gram their abstracts!

Eleven thirty struck on the clock at Casaa. Again, I have to trudge to my favorite class, Social Science 1: Foundations of Behavioral Science. I have to give the subject its due. It's the most fun and dynamic class I have on my schedule. However, something, somehow always manages to spoil the good stuff. I have this classmate. He's not bothering me, but he is bothersome. He's not annoying me, but he is annoying. He's not that intelligent, but he feels he is better than the professor. (I don't know if this is relevant, but nonetheless, let me make this disclosure: He is from the "prestigious" Manila Science High School.) Anyway, on to more interesting matters that brings joy. While the reporter was doing a good job at getting everyone awake at least, our professor interrupts, giving yet another anecdote. My seatmate and now friend (which I don't know his name) comments about how freshmen are so studious. Then it hit me, DON'T I LOOK FRESHMAN-LIKE? WHY ARE YOU TELLING THIS TO ME? Then I babble something about the professor always interrupting and derailing the report. We both chuckled. His other seatmate, also another upperclassman, comments about the handouts of the reporter and how it looks laboriously done. Anyway, I really was curious why they are involving me, a freshman, in their little discussion regarding freshmen and their enthusiasm.

On to English this time... After sitting for about five minutes, our professor arrive spot on, again. First thing she announced was that there was going to be a suspension of classes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on July 15, 2004 because of certain mass actions and other student related/participated activities.

Math was the highlight of my day! Yes. MATH! Amid my recurring hatred for that subject, I liked it today. First off, there was a quiz. This was a 15-minute 3-item test on systems. I am glad to say, for the first time in a very long time, I will get a perfect score! I am so glad for myself.

Sunday, July 11

True Love

Many have attempted to define what true love is. Most describe love with abstract and often figurative meanings. Cliches such as love being an unknown force that could strike at any moment, or being a blissful experience on cloud nine seem to float in everybody's heads. Even the dictionary feebly defines love as "A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness." If only these simple idealizations were correct, but they are not.

Love is simply too complicated, too open ended to be singularly defined.

In my view, true love is far from the bliss and happiness that people believe it to be. One should be prepared to be selfless, to make sacrifices in its name, for all is not fair in love, and should this unwavering love be unrequited, may God grant the strength to be impetuous in the face of the deepest of sorrows, for even the sweetest of dreams would do little to console a broken heart.

No wonder I have yet to experience true love.


That was the hardest journal entry for English 1 to date. I hope our teacher's enthusiasm for this topic wanes, and fast!

Thursday, July 8


Yesterday night, a friend of mine IM'd me. He asked me if i could "help" him do his homework. Being idle then, I asked what it was about. He said it was simple: Make a psuedocode! Of course, i knew there was more to it that just that. He paused for a moment, then continued, as if waiting for a response. He said there was one problem. Actually it was something like this: Make a psuedocode that prints all prime numbers up until it reaches a number the user inputs.

Game on! Here's what I figured out after scanning through some material on prime numbers, i.e. sieves and such.

no declarations, start, end,
stop and next line
input y
if y=0 OR y=1
echo NONE
    { x=x+1
            { count=count+1
               rem = x modulus count
            } while rem!=0 AND count<x
    if count=x
    echo x
} while x!=y

Saturday, July 3

Current deviation

After finally watching the biggest opening blockbuster movie to date - Spiderman 2 - I suddenly have been bitten by the bug (arachnid actually). I really didn't enjoy the first, although it was quite good for a superhero comic movie. Anyway, I have no idea what caught my attention, but I liked it a lot! When this happens, I go into some obsession-like craze... Having my wallpapers for the desktop, laptop and mobile phone changed; collecting useless stuff and memorabilia; and now, to a point of making this site look spidey-like. I even liked the a line so much, I dug, and dug deep to find it.

I've been through some of these already. Matrix and LOTR are great ezamples. Only time will tell...

Wednesday, June 30


"Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names, and years later how they stood for hours in the cold rain just to catch a glimpse of the one who told them to hold on a second longer.

I believe there's a hero in all of us who keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride; even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most; even our dreams."

Spiderman 2 starts now!

Wednesday, June 23

What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Today I read this very cute little book entitled "The Little Prince" by Antoine De Saint-Exupery.

Let me narrate to you first how and why I got hold of it. I am not fond of reading; I read only things I am fond of. Short stories and novelettes aren't my type. Anyway, this was a reading assignment given to us. So I went to National to buy it. I was trying to look for a book that looked something like Le Morte or those of Shakespeare. When I found it, I thought it was a different book misplaced in the fiction section. It looked very much like a book that the young would enjoy better.

As I was reading, I found the book a little lame and somewhat childish in nature. It was innocent and pure, much like a little boy. As I continued, I found that there was more to it. It was chockful of metaphors and other symbolisms. The story was mysterious and innocent...(to be continued)

Saturday, June 19


Yeah! Even if I wasn't able to watch their concert last week due to problems of logistics, I am still very much a fan! With that, I revamped the look of the site!!!

Saturday, June 12


Sana mapatawad mo ako sapagkat hindi ako pumapasok sa away na hindi ko naman kagustuhan. Mayabang man ako, marunong din akong magpakumbaba lalo na kung alam ko na ako ang may kasalanan. Marahil maiinis ka sa mensahe kong ito sapagkat tila peke at nangiinis dahil sa tono ng aking pananalita, ngunit maniwala ka man o hindi, lungkot at marahil luha ang nadama ko habang isinasantabi ang aking dangal bilang isang tao at kaibigan. Pagpasensyahan mo ako kung pinalaki ko pa ang pangyayaring ito sapagkat hindi ako naniniwala na tamang ipagsangtabi ang mga away nang wala naman napagkasunduang katapusan. Siguro lalo akong nagmumukhang mayabang dahil masginusto ko pang suyuin ka kaysa sa kalimutan na lamang ang lahat, ngunit hindi ko kayang kalimutan ang aking mga paniniwala...

Saturday, June 5


My computer is finally back! Oh how I love multigigahertz processing. Anyway, I wanted to post this a long time already but BloggerBot has been offline lately. By the way, I do still sleep, you know. That's my desktop, in case you didn't notice.

Wednesday, June 2

The best and worst day yet!

Hellow. Go figure! Hihihi...

Tuesday, June 1

Where is it?

Hey, I thought some people were willing to give me presents? Don't worry, I don't demmand much! Hahaha!

Saturday, May 29


"Drinking" is the best way to fratenize! Maybe I'm just a killjoy.


I haven't seen all of these guys in ages! Well except for Mico, Powee... Hahaha! So maybe I have seen some of them lately!

Coming Soon!

Finally, a 6-A reunion! Today! Later! At Katipunan!

Friday, May 28


My day has just imploded...

Thursday, May 27

Maybe you should amputate your doodles too!

Oh I forgot to mention this interesting fact! Remember the dynamic duo of a couple making interesting factoid discussions regarding a certain "amputation"? Here's another good one for you...

Both of them went in and out of their seats THREE TIMES EACH! Are they just there to annoy my existence given the fact that I am near the aisle? I suppose they:

a. went to the washroom
b. made/received calls (Oh I never thought they were so kind to leave the cinema just for that! I hope the girl would also stop texting using her bright backlit colored phone for a moment!)
c. got something to eat
d. all of the above?!

Anyway... what ever they were doing that it had to be made thrice is really annoying! Cinema 1 of Galleria isn't really spacious when it comes to legroom unlike The Podium. I just can't stop being so kind to these pathetic ignorant beings. Maybe I just have to give them the bebefit of the doubt. For all I know, someone has a bladder problem?!

What If...

Wooooooo! I found a poster!

I'll definitely get a DVD of this, may it be original or not! I want to watch this at the comfort, security and privacy of my room! At least there won't be any insanely stupid people who feel they actually are acquainted with the topic and have enough intelligence to comment on something with such confidence!

Did I mention that I liked the story? Finally I find a sci-fi movie that doesn't involve too much of a love interest! However, the "wolves scene" is so lame for a minor subplot conflict. Pity they have to include that.

I don't know why but I just like what if...disaster coupled with natural phenomena films. Anyone know "Twister"? Anyway, at least I don't see vampires, a burly green thing or a buff greek warrior on this one!

Wednesday, May 26

Amputate my leg because pls

I watched "Day after" today at Galleria because the schedule at The Podium simply will not work with mine.

Anyway, as far as the film is concerned, it lacked the depth I expected from the people of "Independence Day". I have to say the effects and sound were great especially in a THX cinema! However, there are some little things that just bothered me... (which I am not at liberty to disclose. just watch! haha!)

On the point that this is in fact a sci-fi film, I think the story is quite a possibility and is not completely baseless. However, I am bothered at the fact that since this will be classified as "sci-fi" would certainly make people believe that this would never happen. I hope people would be more discerning and think of this as a worst-case scenario instead of an imaginative creation by hollywood.

Now, I am not done here yet. I would like to just tell you about my "wonderful" time at the movies today. First, I got the seat near the aisle to avoid annoying seatmates. Since the THX cinema at Galleria is on reserved seating and I got my ticket at the last possible moment to make sure no one was going to be beside me... I was supposed to be almost certainly assured of a pleasurable screening.


As the film was nearing its climax, this couple seated supposedly two seats away transferred next to mine! My viewing pleasure was just about to drop a notch. Hoping for the best, I continued to watch. Then a scene came when a certain character was found to have been suffering from blood poisoning. Dialogue came to this part, "She has septicaemia or blood poisoning caused by an infection... She should get a large dose of penicillin or... [death - implied]" Then the stupid boyfriend, wanting to impress the oh so dumb girlfriend continued the dialogue saying "amputation". WHAT?! Excuse me but I dont think blood poisoning caused by an infected cut can be cured by aputating the part where the wound is. I also don't think that blood around the body will become magically cured once the infected wound is gone. To make matters worse, the girl was so impressed saying "Talaga? Ang galing mo naman. Dapat kasama ka na sa cast." That is just ONE of the plethora of stupidity this couple was capable of.

This is a long one i have to say. I'll get back on this after I find a poster... and maybe I'll rant some more!

God on earth

Now here you can really see someone dedicated. Layouting is such a pain! Imagine, Apollo comes down from the heavens just to help finish the yearbook?!

Hahaha! I hope Mr. Dantesh won't see this one.

Men at work

Here is a perfect picture of the yearbook committee hard at work at Gerson's again. One can recognize the intense atmosphere and pressure by just taking a glance.

Hahaha! What a joke!

Actually, Mark and the gang are concentrating on watching "American Idol" on ABC early into the night.

Monday, May 24

Give me more

Chocolate caramel cake for my 17th birthday... Yummy!!!

Best day of the year

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!

hahaha! I'm a year older and still as immature as a ten year old! I'm also not getting any bigger?! Maybe a little bit taller and alot more muscle? But no! Apparently, I will always be this scrawny white boy.

Anyway, I hope someone would give me a gift. Nobody gives presents these days. Once you reach this age, the job of giving is on your court. I don't ask for much. Price isn't an issue with me. Although if you do plan to give me something expensive, I won't argue.

Sunday, May 23

Group Pic!

The yrbkcom at Gerson's... Too bad i can't be in it though!


Things are always taken for granted especially when they are just there, sitting all day long waiting to be noticed. However, once they are gone, it seems it suddenly becomes magically. Only now have I seen Pisay so picturesque!

Saturday, May 8


i feel terrible right now. i let out my frustration on someone who doesnt deserve it. what am i doing? why?!
im sorry. you know who you are. i dont have the balls to name you...


i just wanted to say hello...
even this new little project of mine isnt enough to suppress my boredom.

Friday, May 7

Miracles happen once in a while

its a miracle i tell you...

i woke up early...very early. 5:30 am anyone? i really have no idea why. but anyway, i plan to cram my way into finishing all the things i have coming today. first up is the doctor, then an xray, the dentist, get a picture and buy chips ahoy chewy. all those must be finished by 6pm. well if you think about it, it really isnt hard. however, did i tell you i have shuttle my way through manila, crisscrossing the city... im really gonna be surprised if i finish everything and without being late in one.

anyway, its already half past 7, and im running a little off schedule already. gotta go...

Thursday, May 6


awww. i deleted my other posts... they were junk anyway.

did you ever crave for meat? i mean, want meat more than anything else for that specific time. well, i am having this "meat frenzy" recently, especially on afternoons. even if im really hungry and junk food abound together with cup noodles and other less than tasty meals, i dont want to eat them. i cant make myself eat them. i want meat! chicken, pork, beef, lamb, or some expensive seafood... i want juicy and chewy meat. i cant believe im actually writing this. btw, this has nothing to do with my backstabbing that is also "meat-related".

on to other matters, i asked my mother (after a long "discussion") to take my glasses back to the optical shop for some screw tightening. now, its fixed; but also, they somehow managed to wreck it. even with years of experience and expertise, they broke the side of my lens. its really small though. close examination is necessary to even spot it. yes, maybe im quite unreasonable; but i want to wreck my stuff so that only i am to blame. but nooooooooo...

watching the oh so boring news (CNN), i cant believe someone would be paying $93 million for a painting?! a lot of other more helpful and profound stuff can have been done with that amount. but hey, if i were that rich fellow, would i care?

ive saved the best for last. yes, jason, i havent gotten over it. i am still in pieces. shattered by the cruel reality of life...

Wednesday, May 5

First Time

this is my first outing into this brave new world. i'm not really good at writing stuff. whining around endlessly is more my style. anyway, i finally got this up just in time for my flurry of emotions to be immortalized.